£99.00 GBP

2 monthly payments

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Journal Your Life 2025

OUR JOURNEY BEGINS: Monday January 13th

How to join us:

1. Type in your best email address and select your country.

2. Select either credit card or Paypal

— Both options will automatically convert your currency if you wish to pay with dollars/euros etc. 

3. Click the ‘Complete my purchase’ button (or Paypal Checkout) to make your first of two £99 payments. The second payment will be automatically charged one month later. 

— Create an account (and keep your details safe! You'll need them to access the course site)

4. Then check your inbox! There'll be an email welcoming you to Journal Your Life. 💗

If you do not receive an email within 2 hours please email Nita — [email protected] — and she'll get you sorted.

See you inside very soon! xo