You are not alone

Sacred Grief is a very special video series I created for my course, The Sacred Alone.

While editing the videos I realised the term “sacred grief” perfectly describes how I stay close to my lost beloveds while finding my way back to myself.

Grief is another shape of love, love that we feel and need to express.

Grief cushions our hearts as we slowly absorb the unimaginable reality we now find ourselves in.

Grieving is how we honour and remember them.  

Creating meaningful rituals and habits helps us bravely traverse bereavement as we learn to live alongside the loss.

In time our grieving will soften into cherished remembering, but no matter how many years have passed, the signs from our loved ones will bring comfort when we need it.

Because in my experience, the signs never go away ❤️


I've been there too

In this series I share candidly about my journey through bereavement after losing my partner in 2005 and more recently my beloved soulmate cat.

This isn't an exploration of human versus pet loss, because as I'll explain, there are so many similarities as well as differences — grief is grief.

One was a complicated loss and grief, one was a very "simple" loss and grief. I have learned so much from BOTH experiences and I explore that in the videos.

If you are going through any kind of loss yourself, I know you will find solace in the experiences I share — and yes, there are a few tears in the videos, too.

I received wonderful feedback about Sacred Grief in the course so I knew it needed to be available as a standalone offering.

I hope these gentle conversational videos help you if you need them now and are there for you when you need them in the future.

You are not alone, love xo

A very special offering

Here's what's inside

My journey through bereavement

The core Sacred Grief content has been split into three videos: The Physical, The Mental and The Spiritual. 

  • Each video runs for 10-20 mins max — easy to watch without feeling overwhelmed
  • Videos include closed captions in English + downloadable transcripts
The resources that helped

This 40 minute video from my kitchen table takes you through the journals, books and decks that brought me the most support. No tears in this one!

  • Includes links to everything I share and recommend
  • Video includes closed captions in English + downloadable transcript
My thoughts on anticipatory grief

In this exclusive audio excerpt from The Sacred Alone live call, I share my unedited thoughts and experience with anticipatory grief.

  • Includes a downloadable transcript

I'm Susannah

I live in London, UK, with two sweet little kittens and spend my days helping people access their creative joy and nurture a deeper kinder relationship with themselves. 

Walking through the fire of bereavement in my early 30s is how I came to truly inhabit every part of who I am, the shadows as well as the light. In 2006 I started writing a blog and found my beloved creative community. My first book, This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart, was published internationally in 2012 and for the last 15 years I’ve been teaching creative courses online, sharing the tools and practices that transformed my life.

Questions & Answers

I am not a therapist, psychologist or healthcare professional

I am a mere writer and online educator who has been doing her own healing work, with and without a therapist, for the last two decades.

These videos can't take the place of professional support if you need it but hearing other people's experiences of grief helped me so much as I traversed bereavement both times, so I'm sending my stories out into the world because I know I would have found them validating and comforting.