That’s what a journal is. It's like a best friend made of paper :-)

Four decades of journaling has given me a consistent self-care practice that's truly enriched my life. Journaling is my sanity-keeper and self-discovery aid. My journal held me through devastating grief, supported me during a pandemic (!) and helps me figure out my life every single day. It also keeps me entertained and isn't always serious! I started with a simple notebook and pencil as a tween and honestly, not much has changed since. Writing words on the page — how I feel, what I want, what I know, what I don’t know — has never let me down.
Journaling is the foundation for everything I’ve ever created in my life.
It's the story that never ends and the one place in my life I can truly be myself - silly and serious, dreamy and sad, there is room for ALL of me in my journal. I want this for you too. I'd love to show you how 💗
In this in-depth four-week course I guide you through the creation of your own creative journaling practice. I’ll show you how to excavate your own personal wisdom and be gently honest with yourself on the page while flexing your creative muscles to bring more play into your journaling.
Get ready for more creative joy in your life!
There are as many ways to journal as there are people on the planet, so I’ll teach you my own particular flavour, a mix of traditional pen-and-paper writing, stream of consciousness & non-artsy decorating, with lots of washi tape and stickers thrown in for good measure! (These are optional, by the way - what feels fun to you?)
By the end of the course you’ll have a much deeper, more honest relationship with yourself, and whether you expand into other intuitive ways of journaling or practice what you learn in the course, you’ll definitely have the journaling fire burning bright in your life. 🔥
If art journaling, morning pages and good old fashioned personal enquiry had a baby, this would be it!

“Just a quick note after tucking my journal in for the night. I fangirled over your Photo Meditations course late spring last year and I'm back to fangirl even harder with this new iteration of Journal Your Life. I just want to tell you how much I F*CKING LOVE IT. (Sorry to swear, but no other word does it right.) Even if the course was over after the first 2 weeks, worth every cent and so many more. The ideas and resources you share are next level. Seriously fantastic stuff. My journal practice (and I'm one of those who had that journal with the flimsy lock as a young girl) has renewed life and excitement. I'm telling you, Sus... NEXT LEVEL.”
If you’ve never journaled, find the idea intimidating or have no idea where to start, this course is for you. As we get to know our journals I’ll share plenty of different journaling techniques and prompts to get you started. No more fear of the blank page!
If you’ve written in a journal sporadically over years but never seem to get a practice in place, this course will help you identify your journaling sweet spot. Sometimes we just need some structure to help us carve out a routine we can stick to — this course will give you that.
You’ll likely be familiar with many of the techniques I share in the course, and the content is certainly more for beginners and dabblers, but! If you're keen to reinvigorate your journaling with new ideas and extra creativity, you will finish the course inspired!

And here's the important bit: you don't need any artsy skills to journal my way, I promise! This is about making it FUN and something you turn to whenever you need it!

“I just finished listening to your last video and I wanted to let you know that your class truly inspired me. You have such a gifted way of making everyone feel like a friend. I love how you introduced FUN into my journaling with colored pens, stickers and washi tape. Even though I have been journaling off and on for many years, I hadn’t thought of how the creative aspect could bring so much to my journaling. It was the 'permission' and excuse that I needed to buy new colored pens, washi tape and inspirational stickers these past few weeks. When they arrived, I went straight to my journals! What joy! My Dream Journal is where I now put all of my ideas. Thank you for sharing all of your insights!”
Here’s what we'll be doing...

Week One
In the first week we explore the nuts & bolts of journaling — what to use, how to start, what to write about, how it works! Get ready for:
Finding the tools you love and want to use
Setting up your journaling space
Getting started + the daily practice I swear by!
Handling privacy concerns + notebook comparisons
Lots of journaling techniques to try
Week Two
In Week Two we’ll explore visioning, Susannah-style :-) aka how to create your world in a creatively visual way. Get ready for:
How to create & use a visioning notebook
- Journaling alongside your intuition
Utilising dedicated notebooks in your practice
Two interviews with an inspiring journaler (filmed 8 years apart) to see how her journaling practice has evolved and what she manifested!

Week Three
In the third week we’ll meet our inner coach and get up close and personal with our inner critic and inner child. Get ready for:
- How to powerfully dialogue with your inner coach
- The wisdom of letters
- How to handle your inner critic
- How to know if we’re doing it “right”
- Questions to ask your inner child
- Bonus video! An intro to fountain pens
Week Four
In the final week we’ll recap everything we’ve discovered and unlock more uses for our notebooks. Get ready for:
- More journaling techniques to integrate your journaling practice into your life.
- How to unblock yourself and beat perfectionism
- Tips for challenging the inner censor
- The benefits of positive journaling
- The Q&A archive

Ready to jump in with me?
Get on the waitlist
Registration opens once a year in DECEMBER, so hop on the waitlist to be notified when registration reopens 🧡
Add your email address below to join the Journal Your Life waitlist

I'm Susannah
I'm a writer and teacher living in London, UK, with my kittens, Mousey & Lolly, and a family of foxes in the garden. I’m the author of the memoir This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart (SKIRT Books, 2012) and I spend my days helping people access their creative joy and nurture a deeper kinder relationship with themselves. You've probably guessed that journaling is a HUGE part of that!
I've taught over 1500 people how to journal and I'm thrilled to be sharing this magic with you too! Let's jump in xo

"I have many different strands to my work so I found the ideas about different journals for different purposes really helpful. I appreciated the structure and the regularity, your manner and authenticity and it has certainly set the wheels in motion for a different and organised way of being and thinking! Thank you for all the thought and consideration and links and modelling of flexible, self-compassionate ways of being!” — FIONA

"I started journaling to deal with a specific ongoing life challenge but I didn’t want my journaling to just be about that anymore. I've found that looking through my collection of images, paper scraps, etc. allows my intuition to find the idea I want to explore. And your wealth of journal prompts led me to explore all these ideas in new ways. Thank you for helping me develop a FRESH approach to journaling!"
Questions & Answers
“Thank you so much for all the teaching and wisdom of Journal Your Life, I really loved the course! I particularly liked Week Two with the visioning and dedicated notebooks. Now I’ve set up several sections in a Filofax to work on dreams and ideas - it’s so good to have a dedicated space to express thoughts and feelings about something, I love it. I also really enjoy decorating my main personal journal and I’m journaling every day now, which feels great!” — KIM