Loving Little 

hello love!

There's someone we'd like you to meet


There's a part of you that never grew up. You might sense them when you’re riding your bike or lying on the grass looking up at the clouds. Or when adulting feels overwhelming and you want to run away (or cry!)

There's a smaller part of you that sometimes feels uncertain and sometimes feels brave, right? It's the part that believes in fairies and wants to climb trees or get lost in their own secret world. The part that doesn't want to be told what to do but also wants crusts cut off their sandwiches :-)

And it doesn't matter how old you are, we all have a part of us that needs to be reassured it’s going to be okay šŸ’—

This sweet innocent part of you is your inner child. šŸ¦„

The inner child is said to be the wounded part of us that contains unexpressed hurts and needs from the past. There’s a lot of talk about “healing" the inner child and working with a therapist to unravel the past is an important first step — I’ve done this myself. šŸ‘

But there's a second step I’ve been exploring daily since 2020 that's just as important:

šŸ° Cultivating a living breathing relationship with little you. šŸ¦„

Because healing those childhood hurts doesn't make your inner child go away or grow up — little you stays little forever! So befriending and looking after your inner child is not only fun but it’s also a beautiful way to look after yourself and tap into the potential for JOY they embody.

It’s not an exaggeration to say getting to know Susie has changed my life and we are SO EXCITED to bring this course to you so we can all play & heal together.

Can you feel your inner child jumping up and down right now?! šŸ™Œ šŸŒˆ šŸ¦„ šŸ„



All your younger selves still live within you! 

Your inner child is made of PURE JOY.

They're pure creative potential. They're innocent and open and filled with rainbow dust (just like a Care Bear!)

In Loving Little You Iā€™ll guide you through meeting (or reuniting with!) your inner child.

TheseĀ six weeks together will form the foundation of a relationship that will continue to deepenĀ over time. Your inner child ā€” and younger selves ā€” are a very real part of you that deserve your time and attention and love. This is transformational work wrapped up in a cosy rainbow-hued blanket. šŸŒˆ

  • DrawĀ PLAY back into your life - we're bringing back the F.U.N, loves!

  • GiveĀ you powerful new ways toĀ SELF-SOOTHEĀ andĀ manage anxiety

  • AllowĀ you to SELF-PARENT yourself in practical ways when life feels too much!
  • Help you nurture genuineĀ SELF COMPASSION for yourself (and others)
  • Bring a whole new level of playful CREATIVITY into your life - inner children are so inspiring!
  • Draw PLAY & levity back into your life - we're bringing back the F.U.N, loves!

  • Give you powerful new ways to self-soothe and MANAGE ANXIETY

  • Let you SELF-PARENT yourself in practical ways when life feels too much!
  • Help you nurture genuine SELF COMPASSION for yourself (and others)
  • Bring a whole new level of CREATIVITY into your life - inner children are so inspiring!
This is a practical course as well as a FUN course! Your inner child will lead the way as we open our hearts to connection, creativity, compassion and joy.
  • Inspiring practices to strengthen the bondĀ between you & your inner child
  • Creative journaling exercises & prompts to take the connection to a deeper level
  • Hands-onĀ practices to soothe you both and help your inner child feel even more real to you
  • Face-to-camera videos from me & Susie toĀ guide you through each step of the journey
  • LOTS of personal sharing from me to inspire, encourage & reassure you!

Susie feels as real to me as the people in my life.

She shares many of the traits I had as a kid, but what’s been most surprising is how different she is. Susie is more playful than I was as a kid. She’s cheekier. She’s naughtier! By giving this part of myself space to be heard I’ve healed so many lingering hurts from the past and truly increased my capacity for JOY. I thought I was healing her but she's healed me. 

Here’s what we'll be doing...

Weeks 1 + 2:Ā  Connecting

We'll start byĀ making that first all important connection to our inner child, getting to know them and exploring the different ages that might want to hang out with us.

Get ready for:

  • A meditationĀ to meet little youĀ 
  • Making an inner child journal
  • Using your senses to bring your inner childĀ to life
  • Dialoging with your inner child

Weeks 3 + 4: Playing

WeeksĀ 3 &Ā 4 are all about PLAY! Activities will be lead by your inner child as we nurture the connection and experience bringing tangible joy into our days.

Get ready to:

  • Let your hair down and allowĀ yourself to play
  • Go on a play date with little you
  • ExploreĀ inner child "selfies" + meet your inner teenager!
  • BONUS: Play time with the kittens!

Weeks 5 + 6: Loving

In Weeks 5 & 6 we explore how to weave this new relationship into our everyday lives, practice ways to comfort ourselves andĀ step into an active reparenting role.

Get ready for:

  • In-depth reparenting techniques
  • IdeasĀ for soothing your inner child (and yourself)
  • Meeting your inner young adultĀ 
  • How to tend to shy inner children

Get on the waitlist

Registration opens once a year, so hop on the waitlist to be notified when registration reopens šŸ§”

Add your email address below to join
theĀ Loving Little You
Ā waitlistĀ 


I'm Susannah (& this is Susie)

I'm a writer and teacher and your guide through this magical new world! I’ve authored several books including This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart (SKIRT 2012) and my heart-led mission is helping people access their creative joy and nurture a deeper kinder relationship with themselves. 

Getting to know Susie has benefitted me in ways I could never have imagined. Years of therapy helped me heal the past, but it was only when I bought Susie that first tarot deck in 2020 did we start hanging out - and we haven't stopped. I love her so much! 

I've taught thousands of people from around the world and these inner child courses may be my most important adventures yet. Susie & I can’t wait to meet you (and little you!) in class!

Questions & Answers


I amĀ NOTĀ a therapist, psychologist or healthcare professional,Ā I am a mere writer and online educator who has been doing her own healing work, with and without a therapist*, for the last 18 years.Ā If you have stuff from the past to heal I heartily recommend finding a therapist you feel comfortable with andĀ beginning that journey of discovery.Ā This course offers another layer of healing but should not be considered a replacement for professional care.

*I know of several people who have takenĀ my courses and discussed their discoveriesĀ with their therapist, so this courseĀ will absolutely work as a lovelyĀ accompanimentĀ to your healing journeyĀ  šŸ’—

ā€œThis course has been so meaningful, insightful, emotional (teen years were especially rough for me, and like many here, there was instability within the family dynamic), and enlightening. Thank you SusannahĀ this has honestly been amazing and well timed right now. I lost my 16-year-old kitty, Neko, last month to kidney disease. So, doing this course has been very healing, not only for little me, but for current me, as well. Thank you.ā€

šŸ¦„Ā ALICIA,Ā Canada

"I just watched the Inner Teen videoā€¦.Ā I can relate to so much of it! I was a shy, insecure, completely unconfident girl who felt burdened by responsibilities and expectations beyond her years. I feel I was never allowed to be a child, which is why this course is so healing. I started to connect with my Inner Teen during one of the TFYIC classes so Iā€™m excited about connecting with her more deeply and getting to know her better. It feels like time. Thank you for this course.Ā It is incredibly deep, healing and fun.


[a note from Susie!]