✧ hi! I'm Susannah ✧
I'm a writer, teacher and a cat sofa (my favourite job title)
old school blogger →
I've been sharing my heart online since 2006
I'm a writer and teacher living in London, UK, with my kittens, Mousey & Lolly, and a family of foxes in the garden. I’m the author of the memoir This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart (SKIRT Books, 2012) and I spend my days helping people access their creative joy and nurture a deeper kinder relationship with themselves.
I’ve taught thousands of people from around the world how to:
- journal consistently & creatively
- use tarot & oracle cards for self reflection
- create soul-filled photographs
- build a loving relationship with their inner child
- build a kinder relationship with themselves
- create heart-centred businesses
- live their lives unapologetically from their heart 🩷

The fire of bereavement
Three years studying photography + a degree in journalism lead me to a brief career as a fashion editor in the early 2000s before my world imploded when my partner passed away in 2005.
As I excavated the darkest shadows of my inner world I built a path that led to a new version of self and in 2006 I started blogging about my bereavement journey. This brave step back into the world saw me unintentionally growing an audience around my words and the connections made then are still woven through my life today.

← UNASHAMEDLY neurodivergent
In 2008 I was invited to teach a personal development class locally and in 2009, buoyed by the encouragement of my wonderful blog readers, I transformed that first workshop into an online course.
The rest, as they say, is history!
At the heart of what I teach is the invitation to get to know yourself better and in the last 16 years I’ve created 16+ online courses, led workshops and retreats in the USA, the UK and Marrakesh, and had 2 books traditionally published (and co-written a third).
This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart (SKIRT Books), was published in 2012, followed by Londontown (Chronicle Books) in 2016.
Alongside the teaching I continue to report back from the (midlife!) trenches through my blog and Love Letters. It's by sharing our stories we feel less alone 🖤
I’m so honoured you’re here & look forward to seeing you in class one day!
Susannah xo
Incense, coffee & washi tape
▶︎ I was officially diagnosed with ADHD at 49 and it was like being given the cover of the jigsaw box when I'd only ever had random pieces.
▶︎ I'm obsessed with cute Japanese stationery & fountain pens. And inks. And stickers. And journals. And....
▶︎ A family of foxes live in my back garden here in the "wilds" of west London. I love being their safe haven.
▶︎ My inner child is my favourite person to hang out with 🖤

Let me send you letters...
A few times a month I send out letters from my heart sharing the stuff I’m exploring and honest talk about life as a neurodivergent woman in midlife. I hope you’ll see glimpses of yourself in my words even if our life experience is very different.
A lovely reader in Australia once described me as a “spiritual magical fantasy best friend at the other end of the email” which is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me and I try to live up to that every day!
When you sign-up I'll send you the Return ebook with gentle journal prompts to help you reconnect to yourself on the days you feel scattered (I use these often!). In future letters you'll get access to scholarship opportunities + course discount codes too 🩷

I actually say "yay!" when it arrives
“You are an amazing writer/photographer who knows how to touch my heart. I feel as though I know you, even though I don’t. You have a way of communicating that makes one feel so comfortable, as if an old friend just stopped by. It’s very inspiring to me as a writer/teacher, and I learn from you in everything you send out. I subscribe to a few things, and your newsletter is probably the only one I actually say “Yay!” when it arrives, and I actually read. Love you, sistah!”
Laurie | USA
💌 Get the love letters
"You have a way of communicating that makes one feel so comfortable, as if an old friend just stopped by." - LAURIE, USA
"Your emails always light up my email inbox. I feel your positivity coming through as if you are talking to just me." - LANI
Letters from my heart sharing the stuff I’m exploring and honest talk about life as a neurodivergent woman in midlife.
You can unsubscribe any time, of course! xo